Our Rooms
We believe it is essential that children receive the appropriate care depending on their age or stage of development. We therefore group the children into the following nursery rooms.
Starfish 0-2 Years
Max 27 children
This spacious room is flooded with natural light and offers the very best facilities for your child. Under floor heating ensures the warmth and comfort a baby needs when beginning to crawl and walk. A separate self-contained milk kitchen provides instant access for feeding preparation. Babies are allocated individual wooden cots, or individual low beds based on their care plan, in our cosy sleep area, where fresh linen is provided daily. Weather permitting, we encourage the children to enjoy outdoor play in our safe and secure garden, which has it’s own large sun canopy.
Each child’s key worker will work in partnership with parents/carers to ensure the child’s daily routine is maintained. Feedback is recorded on Tapestry for each chid, providing information regarding activities, meals, sleeping and nappy changes. This ensures parents gain an understanding of their child’s day.
As the infants grows, we encourage them to join in with the activities provided, such as messy play with sand, water and paint, or art and craft sessions with chalk, sticking and drawing. A range of toys are available, both inside and outside, with plenty of opportunities to exercise and develop skills with the likes of bikes, balls and hoops.
Babies follow their own established routine of feeding, sleeping and changing times. Through this routine, your child’s key person will establish a good relationship. At this age, toddlers still need reassuring and we provide plenty of social interaction and toys to encourage them through the development stages.
In one room is: Jellyfish 2-3 years
Max 26 children
In a separate larger room is: Pufferfish 3-5 years
Max 69 children

This airy, open plan room provides your child with a safe, stimulating and nurturing environment to play and learn in. Children are encouraged to become more independent with the support and reassurance from staff when needed. We aim to give children confidence and motivation for the future by providing a variety of activities that help them to progress according to their differing abilities.
Both room’s has a lovely view of the garden and the children are able to see each other in each section of the room.
There are large doors leading to an extensive outdoor play area. Coat pegs are provided to allow independence when wishing to play outside. Children have access to a sleep/rest area and three toilet facilities, two with changing facilities for children in the process of “toilet training”.
Children are encouraged to explore greater independence and social skills. Staff follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) as directed by OFSTED. This provides structured and balanced activities that are relevant to each child and above all, fun.
Children develop a good relationship with their key worker through play and various activities provided. Each child’s key worker works with parent/carers to ensure they gain an understanding of their child’s day. Full feedback is given of their child’s day along side any art work they have created.
Sensory Room
Children that attend Sandytots Nursery will have frequent access to our Sensory Room. The Sensory Room is designed to help develop a child’s senses using lighting, music and objects. It can also be used to assist children with communication issues.
Sensory equipment helps to develop key life skills including vocalisation, gross motor skills, colour recognition and tracking.
The children that attend our nursery thoroughly enjoy investing and exploring the Sensory Room and we believe it helps to encourage their development.
You can also book this free via the main reception on: 01785 854700